Orange Oil: Benefits And Best Uses

You probably know orange oil as a food flavoring or as an ingredient used in some cleaning products. However, this oil can be useful for relieving stress and anxiety, improving acne, and much more.

If you want to know the benefits associated with orange essential oil, its properties, and how you can use it, you’re in the right place. In this post, I will answer those questions and show you how to use orange oil effectively and safely, both to improve your health and enhance your beauty routine.

What is Orange Oil?

Orange essential oil is extracted from the peel of the sweet orange, Citrus sinensis, which are the oranges we usually eat.

This oil is obtained through the cold pressing method, which uses pressure to squeeze the oils from the bark. It can also be extracted by steam distillation.

Either of the two extraction methods mentioned protects the antioxidants and active ingredients of the oil.

Sometimes, the leaves and flowers of the orange tree can also be used to obtain essential oils.

Orange oil has an orange-yellow or orange-brown color and emits the light, fresh, and sweet fragrance of the fruit itself.

Composition of Sweet Orange Essential Oil

The main chemical components of this oil are:

  • Lemongrass
  • Monoterpene hydrocarbons: β-mircene and α- pinene
  • Alcohols: citronellol, geraniol and linalool
  • Aldehyde: neral

Properties of Orange Oil

The components of orange essential oil are what give it its main properties:

– Antioxidant

– Sedative

– Antidepressant

– Antispasmodic

– Anticonvulsant

– Detox

– Appetite Suppressant

– Carminative

– Diuretic

– Anti-inflammatory

– Analgesic

– Antibiotic

– Antiseptic

– Expectorant

– Bronchodilator

– Antifungal

– Antimicrobial

– Insecticide

Orange essential oil what it is for, benefits and properties.
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What Orange Oil is Used for – Benefits and Uses

Orange Essential Oil for Health

  • Natural antimicrobial activity against some types of bacteria and fungi
  • Reduces symptoms of anxiety, stress, and depression
  • It lifts the spirits, increases energy, and relieves fatigue, both physically and mentally
  • It soothes pain and reduces inflammation in bone, muscle, and joints caused by inflammation
  • It has anti-cancer and antioxidant activity
  • Relieves nasal irritation associated with seasonal allergies, headache, and itching
  • It promotes better digestion, relieves stomach upset, reduces gas, stomach cramps, and pain
  • Improve the function of the immune system thanks to its antioxidant powers
  • Relieves muscle spasms and spasmodic coughs
  • It promotes lower blood pressure, both diastolic and systolic
  • Prevents infection of minor wounds, burns, or insect bites
  • It is a natural protector of the mouth and gums against infections

Orange Oil for the Face and Skin

  • It treats acne, effectively combating bacteria that cause breakouts, thanks to its powerful antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Improves the complexion of the face, especially in cases of eczema, by relieving redness, pain, and swelling.
  • It moisturizes and nourishes the skin by combining it with a base oil such as almond oil, olive oil, coconut oil, hemp oil, jojoba oil, or macadamia.
  • It promotes the production of collagen and gives elasticity to the skin, reducing facial wrinkles and expression lines
  • Reduces scars and skin spots.
  • It prevents the appearance of stretch marks while improving the appearance of existing ones.
  • Improves cellulite and fluid retention.
  • It facilitates the healing of the skin and can be combined with other essential oils such as incense oil and tea tree oil.
  • Facial cleanser added to your facial cleansing oil such as olive oil or sweet almond oil.

Orange Essential Oil for Hair and Scalp

  • Moisturizes and nourishes the hair
  • Reduces the oiliness of greasy hair
  • It helps eliminate dandruff, kills bacteria, and relieves itching
  • Restores moisture and balances the pH of the scalp without removing any of its vital natural oils
  • Combats lice
  • Repairs damaged hair
  • Reduces hair loss and strengthens hair
  • Improves brittle hair

Orange Oil for Home

  • Aroma for your home as a perfume
  • Natural household cleaner added to your cleaning products
  • In light-colored or untreated wood, it gives a darker tone
  • Cleaning and finishing agent for the care or preservation of wood, diluted with vegetable oils such as linseed oil
  • Air freshener for the house that provides a pleasant smell to a room or your kitchen
  • Fragrance for cleaning products, dishwashers, or perfume clothes
  • Natural insecticide with insecticide properties, both by contact and by spraying, is effective to scare away flies and mosquitoes, as well as relief the bites of the latter
  • Flavor enhancer for food and beverages

How to Use Orange Oil

Topical Use on Skin and Face

To moisturize, nourish, and treat any skin condition, dilute two to three drops of orange oil in a teaspoon of carpet rosehip oil, argan oil, or the vegetable oil of your choice and most suitable for your skin.

Apply gently to facial skin or the area to be treated.

As a natural facial cleanser, combine with one tablespoon of light carrier oil, such as almond oil, and apply to your face with a cotton pad or disc.

Before removing it, let the oil settle on the skin for five minutes.

Hair Treatment

To treat any hair or scalp condition, add four drops of orange oil to a carrier oil, such as jojoba oil.

Apply the mixture with a gentle massage and leave it to work for approximately 15 minutes, then wash and condition it as usual.


Never inhale orange essential oil directly from the bottle, as it can cause nasal and throat irritation and even a minor burn if you accidentally inhale a drop.

To inhale it safely, spray a few drops on a tissue or absorbent cotton.

This use serves as a sedative and relaxant, reduces anxiety, and contributes to the feeling of alertness.

It is also useful in relieving nasal irritation from seasonal allergies.

Orange essential oil what it is for, benefits and properties.
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A diffuser allows an essential oil to evaporate and its aroma to spread throughout the room.

There are many types of diffusers that you can buy, either online or in specialized stores that sell aromatherapy products.

Each type of diffuser has specific instructions. Be sure to follow all product directions carefully when using your diffuser.

The diffusion serves, for example, to help lift the mood or add the refreshing aroma of orange to a room.


If you want to aromatize a room or use orange essential oil as a natural cleaner, you can make an orange oil spray by adding five to ten drops per 30 ml of water in a glass bottle.

Add a dispersing agent such as Solubol to the solution to help the oil disperse better through the water.

Shake the bottle well to mix the contents and spray.

Massage oil

Some studies suggest that using an orange essential oil topically or for aromatherapy may help relieve pain in the short term.

To relieve pain or inflammation, you can make your own massage oil by adding 20 drops of orange essential oil to 30 ml of carrier oil, such as coconut oil or jojoba oil.

Massages the area to be treated.

In the Bathroom

To enjoy a therapeutic bath, simply add a few drops of this essential oil diluted in a carrier oil to the warm water.

Where to Buy Orange Oil and Which to Choose

You can buy orange essential oil on the Internet or in stores that sell natural products.

In any case, follow these tips to make sure you buy good quality orange essential oil:

  1. Check the label for the scientific name, Citrus sinensis. The essential oil of bitter orange is another oil with a very similar name, Citrus aurantium. Don’t confuse them.
  2. Verify the purity of the product, by buying only 100% pure and organic or bio-sweet orange oil, which also indicates the method of extraction.
  3. It should come in dark glass, amber, or cobalt blue bottles, as it can be damaged by sunlight.
  4. If you buy it in street stores, smell the oil before you buy it, if possible. If it doesn’t smell like orange, don’t buy it.

I buy it from Amazon because of the variety of prestigious brands and the convenience of having it delivered to my door.

Orange essential oil what it is for, benefits and properties.
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How to Make Homemade Orange Oil

Making your own orange oil at home will only take a few minutes, although, after that, you will have to wait a few days before using it.

It is very important that you use organically grown oranges to avoid chemical residues on the fruit’s skin.

You will need

  • Neutral vodka (colorless, unflavored)
  • Large orange peels (depending on the amount of oil you are going to make)
  • Strainer
  • Ceramic or glass bowl
  • A glass jar with an airtight lid


  1. Peel the oranges well with a knife or peeler (only the orange part) and let them dry for a few days, but not too much. You can also use a grater.
  2. Cut the dry shells into smaller pieces and put them in the clean glass jar.
  3. Cover them completely with the warm vodka (you can put it in hot tap water for a few minutes).
  4. Close the bottle tightly and shake it vigorously for a few minutes.
  5. Let it rest in a dark place for a week or so, shaking it several times a day. The more you shake it, and the more days you let it rest, the more orange oil you will extract.
  6. Strain the mixture into the bowl using a cheesecloth, a coffee filter, or a very thin cotton cloth, squeezing out all the liquid.
  7. Cover it with kitchen paper and let it rest for a few more days so that the alcohol evaporates (it doesn’t have to smell like alcohol).
  8. Finally, pour into a clean airtight glass jar (better if it is dark).

And, done! You have your homemade orange essential oil ready to use.

Another way to prepare homemade orange oil is by maceration or infusion into a vegetable oil that has a mild odor, such as sweet almond oil or grapeseed oil.

Storage: How To Save It

The orange essential oil should be stored in a cool, dry room away from direct sunlight. You can also store it in the fridge.

It is best to keep it in its original bottle which is light-resistant.

This oil has a long shelf life, but you should discard it if it becomes cloudy, is frozen, or smells funny.

Keep the lid tightly closed to prevent evaporation.

Precautions And Side Effects

  • Never ingest it or use it internally.
  • Do not apply undiluted essential oil to the skin as it may cause swelling, itching, or irritation. Always dilute it with a carrier or base oil.
  • Before using it topically, do a patch test with the diluted oil and wait 24 hours to see if it causes sensitivity or a reaction on your skin.
  • Do not use old or oxidized orange oil, as it may cause skin sensitization.
  • The orange essential oil has a low risk of phototoxicity. However, you should be careful if you are going to go outside after using it on your skin.
  • Avoid contact with the eyes.
  • You should not inhale it directly from the bottle.
  • Keep oil out of reach of children and pets.
  • If you use the oil for aromatherapy, make sure the space you are in is well-ventilated.
  • If you are pregnant or nursing, or if you have a medical condition or are taking any type of medication, consult a medical professional before use.
  • Avoid using it on babies or very young children.

Final Words

Orange oil can be used for a variety of applications, ranging from lifting the spirits and reducing stress to adding a fresh, citrus scent to a room.

Research has shown that sweet orange essential oil can have several benefits. However, more research is still needed to obtain complete information on all its properties.

Examples of studies include antimicrobial activity, pain relief, and anti-cancer properties.

It is important to note that many of the benefits and uses of sweet orange oil come from personal experience.

If you want to use the orange essential oil but have questions or doubts related to health, talk to your doctor before using it.

Finally, you should know that there are other types of essential oils that are extracted from oranges, and you should not confuse them with the orange or sweet orange oil you just saw, as they are:

  • Bitter orange, which comes from the fruit peels of Citrus aurantium.
  • Neroli, extracted from the flowers of Citrus aurantium.
  • Petitgrain, which is obtained from the leaves of Citrus aurantium.
  • Bergamot, which is extracted from the Citrus bergamia.

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Small bottle of orange oil with pipette on orange slice and half of an orange behind it.
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