Oatmeal, The Superfood You Need: Benefits and How to Make It

Oats are a type of cereal grain that more and more people are integrating into their diet due to their interesting properties and benefits.

It is part of the “Poaceae” family and has been used as food since the beginning of time.

As a curiosity, in Central Asia, it was considered a weed for a long time.

What Are Oats?

Oats are a cereal, like many others that you have already integrated into your diet. It is widely used in cooking and has many fascinating health benefits.

For example, it is present in the vast majority of diets, and it is a very low-calorie and high-energy food. It is perfect to avoid deficiencies and help us stay active.

You will learn about it in detail when we analyze its properties in the following section.

What Are the Properties of Oatmeal?

These are the most outstanding properties of oat:

High Nutritional Value

Of all the existing cereals, oats are one of the most complete in nutrients.

Fiber Contribution

It is composed of soluble and insoluble fibers. Precisely for this reason, as we will see, it is a good remedy against constipation.

Contribution of Healthy Fats

Fats cannot be eliminated from the diet, since some of them are very necessary.

Most of the fats provided by oats are unsaturated, which are the most recommended for the body.

High in Vitamins and Minerals

Oats are rich in B vitamins and minerals. Interesting anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties are attributed to these compounds.

What are the Benefits of Oats?

Heap of oat flakes in a shape of heart on pink background, shot from above.
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Balances Cholesterol Levels

High cholesterol is one of the main causes of mortality throughout the world, and it is the main element involved in cases of heart disease.

Some studies show that oats may have the power to minimize the levels of bad cholesterol in the body.

This would be possible because oats have a component known as beta-glucan, capable of increasing the secretion of bile that has a high proportion of cholesterol.

Another line of study also claims that oats would be able to protect LDL cholesterol from oxidation.

Satiating Power

One of the biggest problems we have when dieting is the issue of staying hungry.

If you find that your diet is getting too hard for you, you should try oatmeal.

It provides very few calories, but at the same time, it has a high satiating level, so you will be able to eat quite a lot without worrying about anything.

The consumption of oatmeal could help us reduce the feeling of anxiety that many of us manifest when eating, and that could lead us to suffer from obesity.

Regulation of Blood Sugar Levels

There are many diseases caused by high blood sugar levels, such as type 2 diabetes or being overweight.

Oatmeal is the cereal we should consume to reduce blood sugar levels.

It is also very interesting for the diet of diabetics (type 2), as it could help with insulin sensitivity.

Minimizes the Possibility of Suffering from Asthma

Asthma is a chronic disease that occurs more frequently in children.

Depending on the individual patient, the symptoms of this disorder may be more or less marked.

Some researchers believe that the introduction of certain foods in the diet could reduce the likelihood of the child developing asthma and other respiratory diseases in the future (see study).

Due to its expectorant and mucolytic properties, it could minimize the probability that children may have these disorders by up to 50%.

Also, some lines of research have determined that giving oatmeal to children before six months of age could reduce the possibility of asthma by a large percentage.

Remedy for Skin Disorders

I’m sure you are familiar with oatmeal from having seen it in many cosmetic products.

Due to its soothing properties, oatmeal can be a good remedy for easing skin irritations, eczema, and different conditions.

For example, we can find oat moisturizers that are used as an exfoliating treatment for our face.

In this sense, the cream could balance the pH level of the skin, in addition to combating the ravages of dehydration.

These benefits will manifest themselves not only through products that are applied, but there are some that are consumed and have the same effect.

A Good Remedy for Constipation

Both the elderly and those who have problems with irregular bowel movements can find a good remedy in oatmeal.

One of the alternatives that the market gives us is laxatives, but although they work, they can also cause exaggerated weight loss, in addition to reducing our quality of life.

Oats, in particular, oat bran which is the outer layer with the highest proportion of fiber in the grain, can be very helpful to end constipation.

Helps Prevent Certain Diseases

Nutritionists recommend the consumption of oats in the diet to combat the symptoms of some diseases, such as hypothyroidism.

This is due to the high proportion of iodine it contains, a component that helps the thyroid gland to function properly.

Tissue Regeneration

Oats provide the body with eight essential amino acids needed for the synthesis of new tissues.

How Can We Find Oatmeal in the Market?

Top view of various types of oatmeal arranged on vertical strips: oat grain, oat flakes, oat bran and oat flour background.
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Fortunately, oats can be purchased in different formats that will help us to prepare all kinds of recipes:

Oat Grain

This presentation is not very popular. We are talking about the grain of the plant that can come as it is extracted, or perhaps peeled, but without having undergone a pressing process.

If you buy it unpeeled, its consumption will provide you with a beneficial proportion of fiber.

But as it also involves a significant carbohydrate intake, it is not the best option if you want to lose weight.

In addition, its preparation also requires time since it will be necessary to soak the grain for a long time and then cook it.

Use: it is very common in salads and can be combined with grains such as couscous, rice, and quinoa.

Oat Flour

Oat flour is refined. This causes its fiber ratio to suffer and carbohydrates to increase. Therefore, if you are going to use it for dieting, it is better to use whole-oat flour.

Use: it is more versatile than other oat products for making many recipes; for example, it is used to make pastries, to bake cakes, to make bread, pancakes, etc.

Oat Bran

Oat bran is characterized by a high proportion of fiber (since it comprises the outer hull of the grain) and a low level of carbohydrates.

Among its advantages, we highlight its high satiating power, its great contribution of minerals and vitamins, and the amount of energy it can give you on a daily basis.

If you want to lose weight by integrating oatmeal into your diet, this product will help you a lot.

Use: you can add it in vegetable and fruit smoothies or with various dairy products such as yogurt. It is also very practical to replace batter.

Oat Flakes

Finally, it can also be purchased in sand flakes format.

The great advantage of them is their high protein-fiber content. In addition, the carbohydrates it provides are slow-release, which can give you prolonged energy when you do sports.

They have high satiating power, so they are also very well integrated into the diet.

Use: in addition to being a very nutritious breakfast, they can also be used for making bread or general baking.

How to Prepare It

Oatmeal bowls with delicious fruits and fresh berries on light background.
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Here are some oatmeal recipes so you can easily integrate them into your diet:


Porridge is a quick recipe that you can prepare for your daily breakfast. It won’t take much of your time and will give you all the energy you need to start your day on the right foot.

All you have to do is mix about 40 grams of oatmeal with milk or water.

Heat this mixture for a few minutes, stirring constantly.

If you need to give it some flavor, you can try combining it with fruit, nuts, cocoa, honey, jam, a bit of fine cinnamon, etc.


It is similar to porridge, with the particularity that you don’t need heat to make it, but you do need a little more time.

We follow the same process as in the porridge recipe, but we have to prepare it the night before.

Just mix it with milk or water and leave it in the refrigerator overnight.

If you don’t want to drink it cold the next day, you can heat it a little in the microwave.


Another simple oatmeal recipe is to fill a cup with the cereal, add as much water or milk as you like, and whisk to a palatable texture.

Add a little lemon, ginger, or cinnamon, and you will have a drink that is easy to drink as well as very appetizing.


You can add oat flakes or oat bran.

The good thing about this cereal is that it will integrate perfectly into any recipe, both nutritionally and energetically.

Now that you know the advantages of oats for your health, start including this product in your diet right now.

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Oatmeal and oatmeal on the wooden background.
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