How to Make Cinnamon Oil: Step by Step

Cinnamon is undoubtedly one of the most popular spices, and not only does it smell good, but it is also delicious. In addition, you can discover how incredibly good its essential oil is for you. Cinnamon oil can be used to treat different problems, such as skin rashes, hair problems, stress, etc.

Although you can find this oil in different stores, you can also learn how to make cinnamon oil at home, 100% natural, free of preservatives and chemicals.

Cinnamon Oil: Step-by-Step Recipe

Below, you will find the list with the necessary ingredients and the steps to follow to learn how to prepare cinnamon essential oil.

You will need

  • Airtight glass bottle
  • Sieve or cotton cloth
  • Dark glass bottle


  • Organic extra virgin olive oil
  • Cinnamon stick from Ceylon Bio


  • Before you start mixing the ingredients, it is very important that the glass jar you are going to use is carefully cleaned and disinfected. Also, it is better if, instead of drying it with a cloth, you let it dry naturally in a sunny place.
  • Once the glass bottle is perfectly clean, you can start preparing your cinnamon essential oil. To do this, place the cinnamon sticks vertically inside the container.
  • The number will depend on their size and the intensity of the aroma you are looking for. If you want it intense, try to put as many as possible in the bottle.
  • When you have all the sticks correctly placed, it is time to add the extra virgin olive oil. Make sure the cinnamon does not stick out of the oil, and break the sticks into several pieces if necessary.
  • Also, be careful when pouring the oil to leave at least a few centimeters of uncovered space with respect to the rim of the jar.
  • Now you have to put the lid on the jar, shake it, and put it in a sunny place for a few weeks.
  • Throughout these weeks, you have to shake the container several times a day. If this instruction is not followed, any part of the cinnamon that has not been completely covered will be completely dry.
  • After about three to four weeks, you can remove the cinnamon sticks, as they should have released their essential oil.
  • To do this, strain the oil through a sieve or cotton cloth so that it is well-filtered and free of cinnamon residue.
  • To properly store cinnamon oil, it is best to pour it into a dark-colored glass bottle, not a plastic one.
  • It is important that the bottle is dark because any light could affect the oil and cause it to lose its properties. Also, glass is better, as the oil can extract the chemicals from the plastic.
  • Tip: You can recycle the dark glass jars used for some foods (vinegar, cooking oils, etc.) and vitamins. You can use one of them when empty to store your oil.
  • If you can't get a dark jar, use a light jar. Use whatever you have at home.
  • It is important to store your oil in a dark and cool place so that it keeps all its properties.

Final Words

As you have seen, it is very easy to prepare your own cinnamon oil at home.

You probably already have the ingredients in your kitchen, and if not, they are very easy to find in the supermarket.

Not much preparation time is required, just at the beginning, and then remember to shake the bottle, so easily that you will have your own 100% natural oil.

If you have already discovered all its benefits and you are eager to try its different uses, you just have to get down to work and make your homemade essential oil; you won’t regret it!

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How to make cinnamon oil at home.
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