7 Essential Oils For Cough: How To Use

To combat coughs, there are many products that soothe the throat, fight bacteria, and reduce inflammation. Among them are numerous essential oils that have mucolytic and expectorant properties and naturally relieve the problems caused by a persistent cough.

In this post, you will learn about seven essential oils that are recommended to treat this annoying ailment. In addition, you will discover the correct way to use them and the precautions you should take when acquiring and using them. And, of course, you will see some very effective remedies.

Why Do We Have a Cough?

Coughing is an important ally of the immune system, whose task is to eliminate external agents lodged in our respiratory tract. It is, in short, a reflex response that may or may not be voluntary.

When coughing spells occur sporadically, they are usually of no importance. If they become frequent and repetitive, they are annoying and even painful. In these cases, it is necessary to seek treatment to alleviate the discomfort.

When looking for a treatment to calm a cough, you must take into account whether it is a dry cough or a productive cough, meaning there is mucus in the respiratory passages. If there is the presence of phlegm or not, this will cause the discomfort derived from the cough to be concentrated in the throat in the case of a dry cough or in the chest, if it is productive.

Triggering factors are related to several causes such as:

  1. Related to inflammation resulting from illnesses such as influenza or asthma.
  2. Produced by environmental stimuli, such as dust, pollen, etc.
  3. Outbreak due to sudden changes in temperature and smoking.

Stop Coughing Naturally: Essential Oils for Cough

Most of the time, a cough does not require a visit to the doctor. However, if it lasts more than a few weeks, you experience symptoms such as disturbed sleep, conditions that affect your life, or you are coughing up blood or sputum (mucus), it is best to see your doctor.

Because of its frequent occurrence in our lives, it is not a bad idea to have essential oils at hand that, in a natural way, help you to alleviate symptoms of the cough and effectively reduce the discomfort associated with this ailment.

Here are seven essential oils that, due to their composition, are indicated for the treatment of cough and other processes associated with the respiratory tract. What’s more, they are pleasant and easy to use.

The 7 Best Essential Oils for Coughing

Eucalyptus Oil (Eucalyptus globulus)

Many pharmaceutical preparations to relieve or suppress coughs contain eucalyptus essential oil as an active ingredient. It is an effective treatment for various respiratory infections.

The main component of this substance is cineole or eucalyptol (*) (1,8-cineole), which has antiseptic and bacterial properties, making it ideal for treating respiratory problems.

Eucalyptol is recommended for both types of cough, i.e., productive and dry cough, as it reduces the need to cough, soothes the throat, and calms bronchial irritation. It also helps to reduce inflammation, nasal congestion, and muscle tension.

Lavender Oil (Lavandula angustifolia)

With its powerful antispasmodic effect, lavender essential oil intervenes in muscle relaxation and is therefore useful in case of persistent cough due to infections.

Lavender oil for cough.
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Its chemical components attribute to it the quality of reducing and relieving almost any inflammation caused by infection or congestion.

It is especially recommended for persistent coughs caused by lung or throat irritation.

Lemon Oil (Citrus limon)

Lemon has been used for years to soothe a constant cough. It is the fruit that best reduces and mitigates cough and nasal congestion.

Lemon essential oil is made from lemon peel, which has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial qualities. In addition, thanks to its essential oils, it has expectorant properties, so it relieves secretions, coughs, and throat congestion.

Its vitamins, flavonoids, citric acid, calcium,-and magnesium also help to relieve coughs.

Peppermint Oil (Mentha piperita)

Peppermint is one of the best-known herbs to treat conditions related to the respiratory tract. It has antiviral, antibacterial, and expectorant properties, making it a great ally to fight coughs.

Menthol (*), one of its main active ingredients, also has analgesic effects, thus relieving sore throat and inflammation caused by these attacks.

Peppermint oil enhances the properties of this herb, resulting in a strong, intense oil with great benefits for relieving respiratory problems.

Oregano Oil (Oreganum vulgare)

The presence of carvacrol in the oregano essential oil helps to treat viral or bacterial causes of cough. It is a useful antimicrobial agent that can fight many types of germs.

Its antiviral power makes it an effective essential oil for the treatment of throat and respiratory problems associated with viruses or bacteria.

Rosemary Oil (Rosmarinus officinalis)

As cineole is the main component of this garden herb, rosemary oil is perfect for decongesting cough-inducing respiratory tracts.

This essential oil has properties similar to those of eucalyptus, as both contain eucalyptol (*). The presence of this element in its composition helps to dissolve mucus and reduce inflammation.

Rosemary oil for cough.
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Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia)

Tea tree is a plant with great antibiotic and antiseptic power. Thus, tea tree essential oil effectively fights infections, reduces inflammation, and strengthens the immune system.

This oil inhibits the development of bacteria that cause respiratory infections, and its inhalation helps to quickly relieve the effects of coughing.

According to renowned essential oil specialists Tisserand and Young, it is not recommended to use oils with menthol or eucalyptol around young children under ten years of age, as they can cause breathing to slow down significantly.

How to Use Essential Oils for Coughs

To benefit from these essential oils, you can use them through the topical or aerial route.


You can apply them to the skin, but first, you have to dilute them in a carrier oil of vegetable origin. Pour about six drops of the essential oil of your choice into a 10ml dose of carrier oil and use it topically.

You can use it for coughing fits by massaging the chest and throat, which will help expectorate and even soften the cough.

Aerial Form

You can access the benefits of these essential oils and fight against annoying coughs through the respiratory tract.

You can do this in several ways.

  • Inhaling directly: inhale the essential oil directly from the bottle several times a day.
  • By inhalation of its vapor: dilute 7-8 drops of the oil in boiling water, mix and inhale its vapor.
  • With an aromatherapy diffuser: add a few drops (3-6) of the essential oil of your choice to half a cup of water.
  • Using a vaporizer or humidifier: simply add 23 to 30 drops and disperse throughout the room.

If a general effect is desired throughout the house, you will use it through an ambient diffuser, which will also leave a pleasant scent.

Effective Remedies with Essential Oils for Coughing

Take note and apply these simple remedies that are very effective in relieving some cold symptoms, such as cough.

Blend#1.- Steam Inhalation for Dry Coughs

All you need is:

  • 1 drop of tea tree oil
  • 1 drop of peppermint oil
  • 3 cups of water
  • a deep container

Boil the water and transfer it to the container. Add the drop of peppermint essential oil and the drop of tea tree oil. Mix well. With a towel or cloth, cover your head and the container.

The remedy is simple since it involves inhaling the vapors of these oils in a facial vaporizer. Through this system, you get the vapor impregnated with essential oils directly to the throat, moistening it, stimulating expectoration, and reducing inflammation.

For optimal absorption, hold your head under the towel until the steam is finished, and, if you can, keep your mouth open to help the mist reach your throat.

By mixing peppermint oil and tea tree oil, you add the qualities of both.

Mixture#2.- Topical Application: Homemade Vaporub for Cold Coughs

Let’s perform a Vaporub at home. With this remedy, the medicinal vapors of essential oils enter through the nose and mouth to help relieve coughs and nasal congestion due to a cold.

You will need:

  • 1/2 cup pure organic or organic coconut oil
  • 15 drops of eucalyptus oil
  • 15 drops of peppermint oil

Melt the coconut oil in a pot in a double boiler. When it is melted, remove it from the heat and add drops of essential oils. Stir well.

Pour into a container with a tight-fitting lid and let it harden.

To apply the mixture, rub a little on the chest before going to bed. You can also rub it on your back and the soles of your feet.

Because coconut oil is ultra-moisturizing, your skin will be left soft, and you will get an added benefit from this natural steam rub.

Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct heat and sunlight.

Where to Buy Essential Oils for Cough

Today you have two main ways to buy essential oils: online or locally.

If you are a person who likes to go into a store and be advised before making a purchase, local stores are your best option. They will be able to resolve your doubts, and even in some of them, you will be able to try the oil to check its purity, smell, etc.

On the street, you will find quality essential oils in herbalists, pharmacies, drugstores, para pharmacies, and health food stores.

Buying essential oils online from a reputable brand provides you with the information you need to ensure that you are buying pure products of the highest quality. At the same time, it can help you save a little money, as the oils are usually a little cheaper than buying them in higher-priced street stores.

So, you can buy your essential oils with confidence in the world’s largest online store, where it is very easy to make your selection and get the best price, with the great advantage of having them delivered to your home.

Precautions in the Use of Essential Oils for Coughing

Although the benefits of essential oils are many, if you want to guarantee an ideal result, you will have to use pure, natural essential oils, which are certified and of outstanding quality.

Even so, you should take some precautions:

  • Check that they do not cause an allergic reaction. If an allergic reaction occurs, stop using it immediately and consult your doctor as soon as possible.
  • Topically, you should never apply them directly to the skin. Always dilute essential oils.
  • Avoid contact with mucous membranes and eyes.
  • Protect yourself from solar radiation, as some essential oils are photosensitive.
  • Use with caution if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or applying to children.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s directions on how much to apply and how to use it.
  • Wash hands after use.
  • Keep essential oils out of reach of children and pets.

As I always recommend, before using any essential oil, it is advisable to consult a specialist or your doctor.


So now you know some essential oils can alleviate the symptoms of cough and improve the discomfort derived from it.

Do not miss the opportunity to benefit from its properties in the presence of a cough.

Choose the one you like the most from all those mentioned in this post and enjoy it because essential oils are a great home remedy, healthy and effective.

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Top essential oils for cough.
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